The distance for transporting goods is determined to draw up a transportation plan, calculate tariffs and develop optimal routes. Currently, you can find out how to determine the distance of cargo transportation using special Internet services that can not only show the distance, but also determine the approximate travel time along the route and show possible situations that could lead to an increase in travel time. Having received data on the distance of cargo transportation, transport companies calculate tariffs that are charged to the sender or recipient.
To draw up appropriate plans in transport enterprises, including production programs, plans for the use of technical equipment and labor resources, there is a need to obtain average data over a certain period of time.
How to calculate the average distance of cargo transportation over a certain period of time? For this purpose, the number of ton-kilometers is divided by the volume of transportation carried out during this time. Having this data, you can calculate the average trip distance, determine the average fuel consumption rates and other data necessary for subsequent planning.
When it comes to calculating the average transportation distance of one ton for various types of cargo, use the following formula:
where Q — volume of transportation of a particular type of cargo, t; l — distance of transportation of a particular type of cargo, km. Indicators for various types of cargo are summed up, after which the final calculation is made.
Using these data, taking into account the annual volume of transportation and the class of cargo, you can obtain data on the annual cargo turnover of a particular type of goods for inclusion in the plan.
These calculations serve to streamline logistics processes, select the required number of vehicles, and their carrying capacity. In addition to annual plans, quarterly, monthly and daily plans are also drawn up, to which information is attached about all loading and unloading points with the size of the import and export of goods. To optimize their operation, a more accurate calculation is needed, for which information about the average distance of cargo transportation per day, month and year is used.