• International air freight operations

    International air freight operations

    The fastest way to deliver your cargo from point A to point B.

International air freight operations take a key place in global transport logistics, providing fast and reliable delivery.

Special features:

  • Cargo carriage by air shorten the transit time compared with sea and rail shipments.
  • Through the use of a vast network of airports the delivery can be done to any corner of the world.
  • Air transport implies strict measures of security, lesser risks of damage or loss compared with other modes of delivery.
  • Transportation of cargoes of different categories (hazardous, perishables, hardware and sensitive objects).

You can rely on:

  • Promptness. Express delivery of cargoes at long distances makes it possible to optimize the chain of deliveries and shorten time of bringing new products to the market.
  • Client loyalty enhancement. Speed and reliability of deliveries strengthen confidence on the part of partners. Global reach: we can deliver cargoes from China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, UAE and Turkey as well as from other countries that shut down air service lines to Russia, namely: USA and EU.
  • “Door-to-door” full-service carrier.
  • We make provisions for cargo transfer and handling in international airports.

Cargo carriages by air open new prospects for business, allowing to exploit advantages of global markets. They guarantee flexibility and efficient performance required to sustain high-speed global supply chains.

We are delivering goods from any corner of the world

Specify your request: type and amount of cargo, place of departure and destination. Our task is to offer you a well-thought-out logistics solution for fast and safe delivery

Geography of supplies

Помогаем расти вашему
бизнесу в комплексе

  • 15+

    Лет опыта в логистике и транспортировке груза

  • 10 000+

    Успешно и вовремя доставленных грузов

  • 120+

    Постоянных клиентов, доверяющих нам свой бизнес не один год

  • 50+

    Человек в нашей команде «Contship Express»

Calculation of your freight costs can be done

Provide us full details about forthcoming shipment, by having completed a feedback form. We shall calculate your costs and contact you within a couple of hours.