• Cargo delivery countries - We deliver cargo from anywhere in the world


    Specify your request: type and amount of cargo, places of departure and destination. Our task is to offer to you a well-thought-out logistics solution for fast and safe delivery

Our growing global footprint Tags of countries, the shipments are made from:

Помогаем расти вашему
бизнесу в комплексе

  • 15+

    Лет опыта в логистике и транспортировке груза

  • 10 000+

    Успешно и вовремя доставленных грузов

  • 120+

    Постоянных клиентов, доверяющих нам свой бизнес не один год

  • 50+

    Человек в нашей команде «Contship Express»

Calculation of your freight costs can be done

Provide us full details about forthcoming shipment, by having completed a feedback form. We shall calculate your costs and contact you within a couple of hours.