How to send cargo to Moscow

How to send cargo to Moscow

Cargo delivery to Moscow

The capital is characterized by a developed infrastructure, which includes a variety of enterprises and companies. Therefore, logistics services in Zlatoglavaya are more than in demand. If you are interested in how to send cargo to Moscow at the lowest cost — useful information on this topic will be discussed in this review.

Types of transportation

Given the geographical location of Moscow, any type of transport except sea transport has access to the city. The cost of the service and the speed of delivery directly depend on its choice.

  • Transportation to the capital by air. If you don’t know how to quickly send cargo to Moscow, use air transport — the fastest type of delivery. It is used for international transportation of various types of cargo, including perishable goods that require urgent transportation. The presence of airports in the city makes this method relevant and popular.

    Cargo delivery by air

  • Railway. This method allows you to transport large quantities of cargo, is characterized by an affordable price and acceptable delivery times. It is used both for transporting goods within the Russian Federation and abroad.

    Cargo delivery by rail

  • Road transport. It is used for the transportation of dangerous goods, oversized cargo, special equipment and other goods. Characterized by speed, reliability and wide geography. With the help of vehicles, you can transport goods to Moscow from anywhere in Russia and neighboring countries.

    Cargo delivery by road

  • Partage cargo. This service is in great demand in the capital, as many clients need to transport small-sized cargo in small quantities. The method is that small quantities of goods from different customers are collected in one type of transport, which significantly reduces the cost of the service. Delivery of groupage cargo is mainly used in small and medium-sized businesses.

    Delivery of groupage cargo

  • Container transportation. With the help of universal logistics packaging — containers — You can transport goods to Moscow from anywhere in the world. Containers have standard sizes and are suitable for any type of transport, and also protect goods from damage and theft.

    Container transportation

Ancillary services in transportation include: customs clearance of goods, preparation of documents, cargo declarations and much more. The cost of services depends on the distance of the route, type of transport and volume of cargo.

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