Transportation of building materials: rules and features

Transportation of building materials: rules and features

Transportation of construction materials

At least once in their life, almost every person had to build something. Regardless of what it was - a garage, a country house or a dacha, many were faced with the problem of transporting building materials or delivery of groupage cargo, and everyone solved it in my own way. For example, some consumers try to transport building materials using personal vehicles. But, unfortunately, such attempts to save pennies are not always crowned with success, but on the contrary, they develop into continuous troubles and losses. And this leads not only to breakdowns of vehicles that are absolutely not designed for this kind of load, but even to the fact that the quality of the repair itself and the work put into it is called into question.

Therefore, of course, the better solution is to seek help from specialists.

Pipe transportation

Types of building materials

Features of transportation of construction materials depend primarily on the type of cargo being transported. In construction, it is customary to classify all materials into several groups:

  • bulk (screenings, gravel, sand, etc.);
  • for load-bearing structures (brick, timber, stone, etc.);
  • reinforced concrete structures;
  • metal structures (pipes, beams, angles);
  • mixtures and solutions.

In accordance with the type of building material, not only the type of vehicle is selected, but also the way in which any type of cargo will be transported is carefully planned, so that during this process its original shape is preserved and the quality characteristics are not affected.

Brick transportation

Rules for transportation of construction materials

Regulations Rosstroy of the Russian Federation special rules are defined for the transportation of construction materials, following which allows the delivery of goods with maximum integrity and safety:

  • For the transportation of mixtures and solutions, a special type of transport must be used – a mixer that mixes cement or concrete without allowing it to harden during transportation;
  • reinforced concrete structures and other types of oversized cargo must be transported using a flatbed (for such an event, permission from the State Traffic Inspectorate is required);
  • block products must be pre-packed in polyethylene before shipping; exclusively freight transport is used for their transportation;
  • brick, in addition to being packaged in plastic film, must also be laid at an angle to the pallet;
  • bulk cargo can be packed in bags before transportation, or transported in bulk by a dump truck (when transported by a dump truck, the cargo must be covered with an awning);
  • dry mixtures are covered with a special moisture-proof film during transportation.

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