Rules for sealing cargo

Rules for sealing cargo

Sealing of cargo — an event that allows you to guarantee its safety during transportation and storage. Using this measure, you can make sure that the package has not been opened and its contents have not been damaged. Another function of sealing cargo during transportation — acceleration of processing and sorting, since basic information about the goods being transported is indicated, which greatly simplifies the process.

Rules for sealing cargo

In order for the cargo sealing process to be effective, it must be carried out in strict accordance with existing rules.

Rules for sealing cargo

  1. Sealing of goods is carried out by the sender. In this case, both individual cargo items and the entire cargo compartment of the vehicle can be sealed.
  2. If cargo intended for personal use is transported in containers or wagons, they can be sealed directly by the carrier at the expense of the shipper.
  3. Each seal is assigned a unique number, and control marks are also briefly indicated on it, the explanation of which is given in the invoice.
  4. The seal must prevent access to the cargo without damaging it.
  5. The device is installed in such a way that it can be easily accessed and the information on it is easy to read.
  6. When accepting cargo for transportation, it is necessary to check the readability of its markings, as well as its integrity and impossibility of access inside. In case of violations, the cargo cannot be accepted for transportation.
  7. On containers or vans, the doors are secured with wire and one seal is applied to each. Manhole covers and drain holes on tanks are sealed. If the design of the tank does not allow the drain to be opened without opening the top hatch, then the drains are not sealed.
  8. If, as a result of an inspection by supervisory authorities, the seal was opened, employees of this body are obliged to install new devices, and upon the fact of the inspection, it is necessary to draw up a report.

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