Delivery times

Delivery times

The carrier delivering the cargo to its destination is obliged to carry out its activities within the period established by the contract. The delivery time of goods depends on the type of transport, the route chosen by the carrier, the need to cross the state border and additional loading and unloading operations.

Cargo delivery times

The cargo is considered delivered at the time specified in the contract if it is submitted for unloading at the final point of the route before its expiration. If the transport is subject to customs inspection, the carrier is not responsible for its delay at customs. If this happens, the delivery time is increased by the delay time.

Calculation of delivery time begins at midnight of the next day from the date specified in the invoice.

Delivery time for cargo by rail

Time limits for transportation by rail are calculated based on the distance the cargo travels, and include time for departure and arrival operations, as well as in intermediate routes, if they are provided for in the route. This also includes possible delays associated with the actions of supervisory authorities, as well as under the influence of unforeseen circumstances. For each additional operation of loading and unloading, passing inspection and weighing, the period is increased by 1 day.

Cargo delivery time by rail

Railway mileage standards differ by type of wagon and depend on the distance of transportation, ranging from 100 to 500 km/day.

Cargo delivery time by road

When delivering cargo by road within urban and suburban transport, the period is 1 day. For intercity traffic, the norm is 300 km/day.

This figure can be increased when delivering groupage cargo, as well as if the transport goes through customs. At the same time, when driving along a highway without a speed limit, this rate can be increased. Therefore, a more specific delivery time for cargo by road is indicated in the delivery contract.

Cargo delivery time by road

Delivery times for air cargo

Air transportation — the fastest way to deliver goods, which can take from 2-3 to 7-10 days. The delivery time for air transportation includes not only the time directly spent on the flight, but also on all procedures for registration, processing, and loading and unloading. If there is international communication, then a customs control procedure is added here.

Delivery times for air cargo

The period may be increased if there is no direct flight between the points of departure and additional time is needed at the transshipment point. In addition, flights to small airports are quite rare, and if cargo space is already reserved, you will have to wait for the next plane. Therefore, there are no specific standards for the delivery time of cargo by plane, and each specific destination has its own data, which can be obtained directly from the carrier when discussing the order.

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