Customs clearance of cargo from China

Customs clearance of cargo from China

Customs clearance of goods from China

Everyone who is engaged in a business based on the supply of goods from China faces certain difficulties. First of all, this is due to the need to fill out the documents correctly, otherwise the cargo may be delayed, and the owner will have to pay separately for its storage. In some situations, it will not be missed at all, which can lead to large financial losses. Therefore, it is better to trust customs clearance and customs clearance of goods from China to specialists who know all the specifics of this process.

When customs clearance of goods from China is necessary

Customs declaration is required if an individual or legal entity transports it across the border for subsequent sale. If goods for personal use are transported across the border, then they do not need to be declared. The exception is special categories of goods that are subject to mandatory declaration (for example, jewelry, weapons, cultural property). Sometimes, in order to save money, novice entrepreneurs transport small quantities of goods without a declaration, but this can cause serious problems with the law.

Preparation of documentation for cargo transportation

How customs clearance of goods from China to Russia occurs

Before you start delivering cargo from China with customs clearance, you need to decide on the scheme by which the cargo will move. It is chosen based on what is more important at the moment — speed or cheapness. In addition, the choice is influenced by the location of the final delivery point, dimensions and volume of transported goods.

For example, delivery by plane — fast but expensive method, sea transportation — the cheapest but longer route. Rail and road transport occupy an intermediate position; here, when choosing, you should take into account the dimensions of the cargo and the availability of these types of transport in your region.

Cargo transportation from China

Sometimes the optimal solution is to combine several modes of transport to achieve the best ratio of speed and price.

After determining the route, it is necessary to collect a package of documents for customs clearance of goods. It includes:

  • Contract for the supply of goods.
  • Invoice indicating the details of the buyer and seller, prices for goods and delivery conditions.
  • Passport of the trade operation.
  • Packaging list with a list of product names, information about its packaging and weight.
  • Licenses, certificates, SES conclusions, the need for which depends on the type of product.
  • Information about payment terms.
  • Agreement with the transport company responsible for cargo delivery and route details.
  • Cargo insurance (if available).

Permitting documents for cargo transportation from China

Next stage — checking the correctness of all available documents, calculating the amount of customs duties and paying them. It is important to correctly determine the product code according to the classification of the Eurasian Economic Union (TN VED), since it is based on the calculation of customs duties and the need for certificates and conclusions of the sanitary and epidemiological service.

Stages of passing customs control

  1. Checking the correctness of documents and compliance of the transported cargo with the specified HS codes.
  2. Control of foreign exchange transactions and checking to what extent the terms of the agreement comply with foreign exchange legislation.
  3. Checking the correctness of the calculation of customs value and determining the absence of debt for its payment.
  4. Checking the correctness of the cargo passing through the previous stages. If necessary, the cargo is subject to inspection.

Customs inspection

Finally, after passing all stages, the cargo is allowed into the territory of Russia.

If incorrect information about the cargo was deliberately provided, or there was an attempt to transport prohibited goods across the border, the consequences can be very severe. This may be: delay of cargo for an indefinite period, confiscation with subsequent disposal or alienation in favor of the state, administrative liability, entailing large fines or criminal prosecution. Therefore, it is better to entrust the process of delivering and processing cargo from China to professionals. By contacting Kontship-Express LLC, you will save time and money, as we will take care of well-drawn up documents and personal information.

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