Customs codes (HS Code)

Customs codes (HS Code)

Customs codes

All goods that cross the border of the Russian Federation must be classified. For this purpose, a product nomenclature for foreign economic activity was developed. According to this register, each product is assigned a code that is unique in nature, and the corresponding amount of customs duty is determined. In this way, it is possible to achieve improvements in the processing of customs documentation, which significantly simplifies the entire process of customs clearance of goods.

Why do you need a HS code?

The classifier code must be indicated in the invoice for cargo transportation, and when passing through customs it is entered in the declaration . And according to this information, it can be determined how much customs duty the cargo carrier must pay. In addition, different goods may require other additional documents that can be easily determined using the classification code.

HS Code

The use of codes should facilitate the passage of customs quickly and easily, but in practice quite often controversial issues arise that affect the duration and increase the time for clearing goods at customs. For example, one of these situations is the case when the customs inspector does not agree with the code specified by the declarant in the declaration, and accordingly, the amount of the duty may turn out to be completely different than the one the latter expected. Controversial issues in this case can be resolved up to the point of going to court, which, of course, only complicates the procedure.

How to correctly determine the code?

To avoid problems during customs inspection, it is necessary to correctly determine the product code. The classifier itself has a multi-level structure of 21 sections and 97 groups, and each code consists of 10 characters. If you encounter any difficulties in determining the code, you can contact the Chamber of Commerce and Industry for help, where they provide an examination service, the results of which issue a conclusion. This document can be used as evidence during customs clearance.

Customs code groups

The most reliable option for determining a product classification code is a preliminary classification decision, which is issued by the Federal Customs Service. The presence of this document in practice saves the declarant from all possible controversial issues with the customs services.

You can view the Common Customs Tariff of the Eurasian Economic Union on the website of the Eurasian Economic Commission.

You can also get advice on foreign trade activities by calling us at: +7 (495) 644-23-41 ext. 110

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