Transit cargo

Transit cargo

What is transit cargo

Transit transportation of goods — This is a process in which cargo is transported from one state to another through the territory of a third country or several countries. At the same time, the process of transit transportation is complicated due to differences in regulatory requirements of states, the need for additional measures when passing customs control and collecting documentation. When drawing up a route, all possible costs are taken into account and the most advantageous in terms of speed is determined, minimizing transit operations.

What is transit cargo

As follows from the previous definition, this is cargo that is delivered from one country to another through the territory of a third country. In this case, either one vehicle or several types of transport can be involved. For example, upon arrival at a port or railway station in an intermediate state, the cargo is reloaded onto a vehicle and delivered to its final destination.

Only companies that have the appropriate license and the required work experience have the right to transport transit cargo.

What is customs transit

Registration of transit cargo

Customs clearance of transit cargo — a complex procedure that must be approached with full responsibility, otherwise, if there is the slightest mistake, he will not be able to continue further towards his destination.

  1. Registration of transit cargo is carried out in the same manner as for cargo arriving in the country.
  2. Goods are transported in sealed containers or packaging, and it must be impossible to remove a unit of goods without visible external damage to the packaging.
  3. For registration of transit cargo, documents such as a foreign economic contract, payment documents confirming the participation of third party representatives in the contract, transport documents showing that the final destination is located outside the country are required.
  4. After passing through customs, a transit document is issued, a copy of which is sent to the customs office of the destination and after passing this point, the customs office of the first state is informed about the completion of the transit procedure. If this does not happen, the carrier is obliged to pay customs duties as if the goods were sold in the territory of the transit state (excluding force majeure circumstances).
  5. Transit cargo can be subject to inspection at any stage of its journey, and if violations are detected, its further movement is impossible.

Application of customs transit

To simplify the customs clearance procedure in order to develop foreign economic activity, some countries establish a simplified regime for the transit transportation of goods. For example, in the Eurasian Economic Union, delivery of goods through the territory with customs coverage of third countries is allowed, which greatly simplifies the clearance procedure. However, in this case, the preparation of the necessary documentation must be carried out by experienced experts, otherwise the cargo may be delayed.


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